Nature Sayings As Well As Quotes

A dripping June sets all inwards tune.      
A curt Equus caballus is before long curried.     
Nature is the fine art of God.
Latin (on nature)
No homo fears what he has seen grow.      
African Proverb
Of all the plants that comprehend the globe together with prevarication similar a fringe of pilus upon the torso of our grandmother, endeavor to obtain cognition that you lot may hold upwardly strengthened inwards life.
Winnebago (Native American) (on nature)
One stair leads to another.      
One swallow never makes a summer.      
John Heywood (c.1497-1580)
The afternoon knows what the morning time never expected.     
The solar daytime has eyes; the nighttime has ears.     
Scottish (on nature)
The early on plane gets the worm, the instant mouse gets the cheese.      
The globe has music for those who listen.      
unknown, thankyou to Guy Archer
The sap rises inwards the spring.      
The shoemaker's children receive got no shoes.      
When the current of air is inwards the east, tis neither proficient for homo nor beast.      
You tin drive out nature amongst a pitchfork but she keeps on coming back.      
Horace (65-8 BC)
Look deep into nature, together with hence you lot volition sympathize everything better.
Albert Einstein
There is pleasance inwards the pathless woods, at that spot is rapture inwards the lonely shore, at that spot is gild where none intrudes, past times the deep sea, together with music inwards its roar; I honey non Man the less, but Nature more.
Lord Byron
Nature does non hurry, yet everything is accomplished.     
Lao Tzu
Nature ever wears the colors of the spirit.     
Ralph Waldo Emerson
In all things of nature at that spot is something of the marvelous.     
Adopt the footstep of nature: her surreptitious is patience.      
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I honey to intend of nature every bit an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if nosotros volition alone melody in. 
Climb the mountains together with acquire their proficient tidings. Nature's peace volition current into you lot every bit sunshine flows into trees. The winds volition blow their ain freshness into you, together with the storms their energy, piece cares volition drib off similar spill leaves. As historic menses comes on, 1 source of enjoyment afterward to a greater extent than or less other is closed, but Nature's sources never fail.
John Muir
I believe that at that spot is a subtle magnetism inwards Nature, which, if nosotros unconsciously yield to it, volition forthwith us aright.      
Henry David Thoreau
Never does nature tell 1 affair together with wisdom another.      
I've ever regarded nature every bit the vesture of God.      
Alan Hovhaness
If you lot really honey nature, you lot volition discover beauty everywhere.     
Vincent Van Gogh
Some of nature's close exquisite handiwork is on a miniature scale, every bit anyone knows who has applied a magnifying drinking glass to a snowflake.      
Rachel Carson
The beauty of the natural populace lies inwards the details.      
Natalie Angier
There is novel life inwards the soil for every man. There is healing inwards the trees for tired minds together with for our overburdened spirits, at that spot is line inwards the hills, if alone nosotros volition elevator upwardly our eyes. Remember that nature is your bully restorer.
Calvin Coolidge
All those who honey Nature she loves inwards return, together with volition richly reward, non perchance amongst the proficient things, every bit they are unremarkably called, but amongst the best things of this world-not amongst coin together with titles, horses together with carriages, but amongst vivid together with happy thoughts, contentment together with peace of mind.     
John Lubbock
Man is Nature's sole mistake.      
W.S. Gilbert
Munificent nature follows the methods of the divine together with true, together with rounds all things to her perfect law. While nations are convulsed amongst blood together with violence, how quietly the grass grows.
E.H. Chapin
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to move outside, somewhere where they tin hold upwardly quiet, solitary amongst the heavens, nature together with God. Because alone hence does 1 experience that all is every bit it should hold upwardly together with that God wishes to come across people happy, amidst the elementary beauty of nature.     
Nature is indifferent to our love, but never unfaithful.      
Edward Abbey
Nature is total of wonders; every atom is a standing miracle, together with endowed amongst such qualities, every bit could non hold upwardly impressed on it past times a ability together with wisdom less than infinite.
Joseph Addison
Chaos was the constabulary of nature; Order was the dream of man.      
Henry Brooks Adams
Lay aside all conceit. Learn to read the majority of nature for yourself. Those who receive got succeeded best receive got followed for years to a greater extent than or less slim thread which has 1 time inwards a piece broadended out together with disclosed to a greater extent than or less treasure worth a life-long search     
Nature is the armory of genius. Cities serve it poorly, books together with colleges at instant hand; the oculus craves the spectacle of the horizon; of mountain, ocean, river together with plain, the clouds together with stars; actual contact amongst the elements, sympathy amongst the seasons every bit they ascent together with roll.      
Amos Bronson Alcott
Nature has been for me, for every bit long every bit I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, together with delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.      
Lorraine Anderson
Adapt or perish, at nowadays every bit ever, is nature's inexorable imperative.      
H.G. Wells
You intend Nature is to a greater extent than or less Disney movie? Nature is a killer.. It's feeding fourth dimension out at that spot 24 hours a day, every stair that you lot receive got is a postulate chances amongst death. If it isn't getting striking amongst lightning today, it's an earthquake tomorrow or to a greater extent than or less deer tick carrying Lime disease. Either way, you're ending upwardly on the incorrect halt of the nutrient chain.      
Jeff Melvoin
In nature at that spot are neither rewards or punishments - at that spot are consequences.      
Robert Green Ingersoll
It's amazing how speedily nature consumes human places afterward nosotros plough our backs on them. Life is a hungry thing.      
Scott Westerfeld
Nature gives to every fourth dimension together with flavor to a greater extent than or less beauties of its own.      
Charles Dickens
The fairest affair inwards nature, a flower, yet has its roots inwards globe together with manure.      
D. H. Lawrence
Nature is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere together with circumference nowhere.      
Blaise Pascal
We exercise non come across nature amongst our eyes, but amongst our understandings together with our hearts.      
William Hazlett
Nature is non a identify to visit. It is home.      
Gary Snyder
Nature is pleased amongst simplicity. And nature is no dummy.     
Isaac Newton
Spring is nature's means of saying, 'Let's party!'     
Robin Williams
Nature is hence powerful, hence strong. Capturing its essence is non tardily - your move becomes a trip the low-cal fantastic amongst low-cal together with the weather. It takes you lot to a identify inside yourself.
Annie Leibovitz
Nature volition comport the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our oculus grade amongst her smallest leaf, together with receive got an insect sentiment of its plain.     
Henry David Thoreau
Mother Nature is ever speaking. She speaks inwards a linguistic communication understood inside the peaceful postulate heed of the sincere observer.
Radhanath Swami
Nature is an endless combination together with repetition of a real few laws.      
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The laws of nature are written deep inwards the folds together with faults of the earth. By encouraging men to acquire those laws 1 tin Pb them farther to a cognition of the writer of all laws.      
John Joseph Lynch
Nature abhors a vacuum.      
Baruch Spinoza
When 1 loses the deep intimate human relationship amongst nature, hence temples, mosques together with churches acquire important.      
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The to the lowest degree movement is of importance to all nature. The entire sea is affected past times a pebble.      
Blaise Pascal
Nature uses human imagination to elevator her move of creation to fifty-fifty higher levels.
Luigi Pirandello
Nature is trying real difficult to brand us succeed, but nature does non depend on us. We are non the alone experiment.     
R. Buckminster Fuller
Like music together with art, honey of nature is a mutual linguistic communication that tin move past times political or social boundaries.     
Jimmy Carter
Nature is oft hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished.      
Sir Francis Bacon
Expect Nature to respond to your human values every bit to come upwardly into your trouble solid together with sit down inwards a chair. The economic scheme of nature, its checks together with balances, its measurements of competing life - all this is its bully marvel together with has an ethic of its own.      
Henry Beston